Real estate professional whose first goal - is to help you reach YOURS.
Came into this field a few years ago bringing with me years of customer service experience in
accounting, business and finance.
One of my greatest accomplishments has been gaining and earning the respect of my
customers, colleagues and clients. In doing so I have established long-lasting relationships.
Born and raised in Wallington. Resident of Pequannock for 36 years now. Both being towns
all about community
I have always loved to read and have dabbled in writing stories as a hobby. I have been a
member of SCBWI (Society of Children’s Books Writers & Illustrators) since 2016 and have
written a couple of children's books. One of which was reviewed and admired by Scholastics
I still have the email response – ‘worth pursuing’ – Two words that opened a new world for me.
Having lived in towns all about community, working in a career driven by good customer
service, a hobby about Family - may be keys to aspire to expand and continue to learn, not
only in Real Estate but life itself.